Pencarian Koleksi

# No. Panggil Judul Penulis Penerbit
25481. T 510 HOW a An Introduction to the Foundations & Fundamental Concepts of Mathematics Howard Eves; Carroll V. Newsom New York : Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1964
25482. T 657 COS c Cost Accounting Horace R. Brock New York : McGraw-Hill, 1984
25483. S 574.5 Kre e Ecology the Exsperimental Analysis of Distribution And Abudance Krebs, Charles J. London : haper & Row Publishers, 1978
25484. T 515.15 CAL c Calclulus With Analytic Geometry Earl W. Swokowski Massachusetts : PWS Publishers, 1979
25485. T 658 MAN m Managerial Accounting Ray H. GArrison 1985 : Busines Publication Inc., 1985
25486. T 512.9 ALG a Algebra for College Students Mervin L. Keedy Sydney : Addison-Wesley Publishing Company, 1984
25487. T 658 BUS b Businness In Action Lester R. Bittel New York : McGraw-Hill, 1984
25488. T 610.73 CAR c Cardiovascular Nursing Mary A. Reuther Illinois : Medical Examination Publishing, 1985
25489. T 512.5 INT i Introduction to Linear Algebra Lee W. Johnson New York : Addison-Wesley Publishing Company, 1989
25490. T 810 AME a American Literature And Universe Of ForCe Ronald E. Martin Durham, North Caroline : Duke University Press, 1981
25491. T 617 CON c Contemporary Issues In Critical Care Nursing Mary Gutrie New York : Churchill Living Stone, 1982
25492. S 823 Sha r Ram Song Sharon Webb New York : Atheneum, 1984
25493. T 674 TIM t Timber Its Structure, Propeties And Ulisation HE. Desch Macmillan : Timber Press, 1977
25494. T 650 STR s Strategic Management (Concepts and Cases) Arthur A. Thompson Texas : Business Publications, Inc, 1984
25495. T 808 Baz t The Informed Writer Bazerman, Charles California : Glencoe Publishing Company, 1967
25496. T 711 Gal p Pengantar Perancangan Kota: Desain dan Perencanaan Kota 2 Gallion, Arthur B.; Simon Eisner Jakarta : Erlangga, 1994
25497. T 616.8 THE t The Transtheoretical Approach: Crossing Traditional Boundaries of Therapy Prochaska Illinois : Dow Jones-Irwin, 1984
25498. S 634.44 Pra b Bertanam mangga Pracaya Jakarta : Penebar Swadaya, 2004
25499. T 808.02 GLE g Glencoe English Donna M. Hughes Calfornia : Glencoe Publishing Company, 1981
25500. T 660 SER s Serotonin-New Vistas (Histochemistry and Pharmacology) Costa New York : Raven Press, 1974