Pencarian Koleksi

# No. Panggil Judul Penulis Penerbit
24801. S 420 Ols a Active Vocabulary Olsen, Amy E New York : Longman, 2005
24802. S 428.2 Dix g Grammar To Go 2 : English grammar practice Dixson, Robert J New York : Pearson Education, Inc, 2004
24803. S 428.2 Dix g Grammar To Go 3: English Grammar Practice Dixson, Robert J. New York : Pearson Education, Inc, 2004
24804. T 630 Sur k Kapita Selekta : evolusi pemikiran kebijakan ketahanan pangan Suryana, Achmad Yogyakarta : BPFE, 2003
24805. S 428.3'4 Lan f Focus on Pronunciation 2 Lane, Linda New York : Pearson Education Limited, 2005
24806. S 808.042 Mey g Gateways to Academic Writing : effective sentences, paragrahs, and essays Meyers, Alan New York : Pearson Education, Inc, 2005
24807. S 428 Hal t Teaching and Researching Language and Culture Hall, Joan Kelly New York : Longman, 2005
24808. S 310 Soe d Dasar-dasar Ekonometrika Soelistyo Yogyakarta : BPFE, 2001
24809. S 428 Lan f Focus on Pronunciation : principles and practice for effective communication Lane, Linda Columbia : Addison Wesley Publishing Company, Inc, 1993
24810. S 420 Hed w Writing Hedge, Tricia England : Oxford University Press, 2003
24811. S 810 Pen m Mahabharata Pendit, Nyoman S Jakarta : Gramedia Pustaka Utama, 2004
24812. S 321 Sor d Demokrasi dan Demokratisasi : Proses dan prospek dalam sebuah dunia yang sedang berubah Sorensen, Georg Yogyakarta : Pustaka Pelajar, 2003
24813. S 757 Tim i Illustration Scetches Anatomis Tim Semarang : IKIP PGRI Semarang, 2005
24814. S 342 Mul p Pembaharuan Ketatanegaraan Melalui Perubahan Konstitusi Mulyosudarmo, Soewoto Malang : Asosiasi Pengajar HTN & HAN, 2004
24815. S 345.05 Loq p Pra-Peradilan di Indonesia Loqman, Loebby Jakarta : Ghalia Indoneisa, 1990
24816. S 408.2 Hal t Teaching English in Tthe Primary Classroom Halliwell, Susan New York : Longman, 2004
24817. S 510 Mal p Prinsip-prinsip dan Penerapan Digital Malvino, Albert Paul Jakarta : Erlangga, 1994
24818. S 425 Wil m Mind the Gap : Ellipsis and Stylistic Variation in Spoken and Written English Wilson, Peter England : Pearson Education Limited, 2000
24819. S 808.042 Bla r Ready to Write: a first composition text Blanchard, Karen New York : Pearson Education, Inc, 2003
24820. S 808.042 Bla r Ready to Write More: From Paragraph to Essay Blanchard, Karen; Christine Root New York : Pearson Education, Inc, 2004