Pencarian Koleksi

# No. Panggil Judul Penulis Penerbit
24461. S 573.2 Sur g Genetika Suryo, Ir. Jakarta : Departemen Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan, 1996
24462. T 610 Tim p Pengetahuan Kedokteran untuk Ibu Rumah Tangga 1 Tim Jakarta : Pantja Simpati, 1987
24463. T 610 Tim p Pengetahuan Kedokteran untuk Ibu Rumah Tangga 2 Tim Jakarta : Pantja Simpati, 1987
24464. S 581 Soe f Flora: Determinasi Menuju Familia 1 Soemodirdjo, Soejatno Semarang : IKIP PGRI Semarang, 1999
24465. S 001.1 Sut m Memimpin Semarang di Era Otonomi Sutarip, Sukawi Semarang : Pemkot Semarang, 2004
24466. S 808.5 Anw r Retorika Praktis Teknik dan Seni Berpidato Anwar, Gentasri Jakarta : Rineka Cipta, 2003
24467. S 808.3 Nur t Transformasi Unsur Pewayangan dalam Fiksi Indonesia Nurgiyantoro, Burhan Yogyakarta : Gadjah Mada University Press, 1998
24468. S 371.27 Raf t Teknik Evaluasi Rafi'i, Suryatna Bandung : Angkasa, 1985
24469. S 813 Toh r Rusmi Ingin Pulang: Kumpulan Cerpen Tohari, Ahmad Yogyakarta : Matahari, 2004
24470. S 2X0 Dju i Islam untuk Disiplin Ilmu Psikologi Djumhana, Hanna Jakarta : Departemen Agama RI, 2003
24471. S 032 Mac i International Encyclopedia of Higher Education 12: Research, Evaluation and Changing Practice in Higher Education Macdonald, Ranald New Delhi : Crest Publishing House, 2003
24472. S 032 Bro i International Encyclopedia of Higher Education 11: Computer Assisted Assessment in Higher Education Brown, Sally; Joanna Bull; Phil Race New Delhi : Crest Publishing House, 2003
24473. S 032 Smi i International Encyclopedia of Higher Education 10: Benchmarking and Threshold Standards in Higher Education Smith, Helen New Delhi : Crest Publishing House, 2003
24474. S 032 Fal i International Encyclopedia of Higher Education 9: Educational Development Through Information & Communications Technology in Higher Education Fallows, Stephen New Delhi : Crest Publishing House, 2003
24475. S 032 Ste i International Encyclopedia of Higher Education 8: Capability and Quality in Higher Education Stephenson, John New Delhi : Crest Publishing House, 2003
24476. S 032 Kem i International Encyclopedia of Higher Education 7: Improving the Quality of Teaching & Learning in Higher Education Kember, David New Delhi : Crest Publishing House, 2003
24477. S 032 Doi i International Encyclopedia of Higher Education 6: Developing Support and Allied Staff in Higher Education Doidge, John New Delhi : Crest Publishing House, 2003
24478. S 032 McK i International Encyclopedia of Higher Education 5: Curriculum Action Research (A Handbook of Methods and Resources for the Reflective Practitioner) McKernan, James New Delhi : Crest Publishing House, 2003
24479. S 032 Row i International Encyclopedia of Higher Education 4: Assessing Students How Shall We Know Them Rowntree, Derek New Delhi : Crest Publishing House, 2003
24480. S 032 Tha i International Encyclopedia of Higher Education 3: Effective Evaluation of Training and Development in Higher Education Thackwray, Bob New Delhi : Crest Publishing House, 2003